The Last Sight


It was the summer of 2016 when I, along with my friend used to fantasy the incredible success which was awaiting us in college. It was more of myself who used to dream the big things. Almost every day, our conservation contained the word ‘conquer’ whenever college was related to anything. We were sad to leave an institution like APS as we thought nothing was comparable to it, but kudos to Bahria in keeping neck to neck institutional rivalry between each other. We were part of these great things, and we have given so much to both of it.

The first couple of weeks were very disturbing for me, at least. A friend of mine said that he went into ‘depression’ seeing new students coming to his class. Hey! I was also disturbed by seeing you all incredible minds there. I used to wait for weekends as I didn’t like the dull routine of everything in early stages of college. Gradually, I absorbed all the things which were required to accept Bahria.
I regard 2016 as the best year of my life. So keeping this in view, I am not hesitating to tell you that the first year at Bahria was better than the second year. It included making new friends and idols, hobbies and distinctions, and most importantly made me a man of outlook and opinion, of which I still am not sure about. The environment at Bahria, of our class particularly, has dug my brain to a certain level where I can take up things and at the same moment behave like a constipated mind. Overall, my mind has transformed, and I’m thankful to this great institution.

When I was in APS Saddar, my life was homogenous. I never had any difficulty. It was smooth and made me a kind of robot who worked only within the boundaries and couldn’t process something out of the data provided inside it. In short, my life lacked the thrill which I now have, the thrill which also makes me anxious and disturbed.

The result of HSSC-I made me a favour but had a bad impact on my further studies. It made me an irresponsible idiot for sometimes. But what made me an idiot of great concern is still unknown and I have given up thinking of bad times. The second year in Bahria was one of the worst years as a student. My academics had a downfall similar to PSE, and my friends’ circle was left only as a matter of circumference without any area. People used to say that I have very nice friends but all I could imagine at that time was ‘I only seem to be happy, not actually.’

My friends didn’t betray me, never. I can never be a piece of crap to be left aside. My friends got different people in their lives and I myself moved aside (not true but I keep disguising myself to this truth). But those made me realize about the priority factor, and I gained this knowledge of priority which is helping me every time... So thanks!

With messages like “Who writes this depressing stuff?” and “I have some work to do, so I can’t help” made me feel all alone. Not talking about my particular friends, but in the later period of 2017, I was alone for the first time, so alone. So I blocked and removed the people who made me feel this way. I did mean that. Leave this for other time.

The best thing about Bahria is the teachers and the staff (not VP, of course). All I have learned in this short time is because of them. One class teacher made us good at Mathematics while the other, don, made us knew what life is all about and how to live and reciprocate it. The games period didn’t move me much, but Library did. Spending every possible time in Library is a thing to remember, but sadly the objectives were to avoid friends.

What Bahria has given me is beyond my thinking. It has given me everything, literally everything. I can never tell how good it is. I can’t describe it in words (because I have weak vocabulary). The first sight of Bahria was awkward, as it was mysteriously bad to find a room, parking, but the second sight made it lovely, while the last sight was something which I can’t digest of.

Maybe this isn’t the last of the sight I will manage to have of this great institution, but the reality of never ever having the liberty of being a student again was pondering my head way before the college ended. I was made for Bahria, and Bahria was made for me especially.

Our networks would be connected but we both would be so busy to make a call.
