Hey Loser!

What does it mean to destroy your creative ambition and wait for some moments which you think are suitable? People often call them a loser even when they survived and stood strong. It's called madness and you're among the squad of some retarded lunatics.

The state of calling yourself a loser is a beautiful moment. It can compel you to achieve a complete change within yourself. But the fact that all beautiful things are not good for everyone, some have hidden demons behind while other are just good. A loser is a virtual winner who pretends to be a loser but actually knows his capabilities. Loser wins in what he's failed.

Defeatist thoughts can strike you at any time, even when you are keen to start a new journey with all your aspirations being the primary aspects of your beginning struggle. It is like a virus. It has no classification yet it is danger for your survival, (especially for your dreams).

It's okay to step back from an undesirous dream. You should only do things in which you believe that you are good at. But sometimes dreaming the impossible dream can create a greater push into it, with nature assisting you with hidden power to win the case in your favor. The unrealised dream eventually becomes your dark soul which roams ahead of you every time, feeding your brain from the front.

                                       "No wind favors him who has no destined port"

What you need to notice is that the present winners were once a loser. They were a flop too. Just idolizing them as a winner is selfishness. You have to see what they suffered and lost during their way to success.

Never be shy of losing. Don't be afraid of the word 'Afraid.' You'll definitely conquer things in the path to distinctions.